Sunday, July 28, 2013

Welcome to The Food Snob!

Welcome to The Food Snob!

A little about myself:

My name is Zoe, 17 years old and I am from the United States (Upstate New York area).
I love running and lacrosse, because of that, I try and incorporate somewhat healthy choices into every meal and snack,
I love to write, hence the blog,
I am a self proclaimed food snob. 

What  IS a food snob exactly?!
My friends started calling me a "Food Snob" when I brought in  five-cheese tortellini with chorizo, roasted garlic and onions, and a whole medley of spices. They starred at me with wide eyes and dropped jaws while they pawed the sandwiches their mothers packed. The next week, I brought in zucchini and ricotta tart and from then on, I was labeled "The Food Snob."

Simply put, food snob means you don't take short cuts. No crisco frosting, no store bought pie crust, no freezer meals, nada. I put fresh ingredients into my body, none of the stuff that corporate companies pump with chemicals in order to make its shelf life longer. Only tomatoes fresh off the vine, homemade baked goods and full prepared meals every day. 

I takes some extra time and a little extra cash but, damn, its worth it.

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